Recent Water Damage Posts

Managing Water Damage in Condos and Apartments: Responsibilities and Solutions

6/14/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage poses a unique challenge in multi-unit residential buildings such as condos and apartments. When water intrusion occurs in one unit, it can quickly spread to neighboring units, causing extensive damage and disruption. In such shared living spaces, navigating responsibilities and implementing effective solutions for water damage requires clear communication and collaboration among residents, property managers, and restoration professionals. In this blog, we'll explore the responsibilities of various stakeholders and discuss solutions for managing water damage in condos and apartments.

Identifying Responsibilities

In condos and apartments, the responsibility for addressing water damage is typically outlined in the governing documents, such as the condo association bylaws or the rental agreement. Generally, property managers or condo associations are responsible for maintaining the building's structural integrity and common areas, while individual unit owners or tenants are responsible for maintaining their unit's interior.

Reporting and Communication

Prompt reporting of water damage incidents is essential for minimizing the spread of damage and expediting the restoration process. Residents should report any signs of water intrusion, such as leaks, flooding, or moisture stains, to property management or the condo association immediately. Clear communication channels between residents and management facilitate timely response and ensure that water damage is addressed promptly.

Mitigating Further Damage

In the event of water damage, residents can take immediate action to mitigate further damage while waiting for professional assistance. This may include shutting off the water supply, removing excess water with towels or a wet/dry vacuum, and placing fans or dehumidifiers to aid in drying out affected areas. However, residents should avoid attempting extensive repairs or restoration on their own and leave the job to trained professionals.

Coordinating Restoration Efforts

Property managers or condo associations play a crucial role in coordinating restoration efforts in multi-unit residential buildings. Upon receiving reports of water damage, they should promptly engage qualified restoration professionals to assess the extent of the damage and develop a restoration plan. Restoration efforts may involve drying out affected areas, repairing damaged structures, and restoring the property to its pre-damage condition.

Insurance Coverage

Understanding insurance coverage is essential for both residents and property managers in condos and apartments. Property insurance typically covers damage to the building's structure and common areas, while individual unit owners or tenants are responsible for insuring their personal belongings and interior fixtures. It's important for residents to familiarize themselves with their insurance policies and report water damage incidents to their insurance provider promptly.

Prevention Measures

Preventing water damage is preferable to dealing with its aftermath. Property managers and condo associations can implement preventive measures such as regular inspections of plumbing systems, maintenance of roof and exterior surfaces, and installation of leak detection devices. Residents can also take proactive steps to prevent water damage by promptly addressing leaks, properly maintaining appliances, and avoiding behaviors that increase the risk of water intrusion.

Water damage in condos and apartments requires a coordinated approach involving residents, property managers, and restoration professionals. By understanding their responsibilities, communicating effectively, mitigating further damage, coordinating restoration efforts, understanding insurance coverage, and implementing prevention measures, stakeholders can effectively manage water damage incidents and protect the integrity of multi-unit residential buildings. Through collaboration and proactive measures, condos and apartments can remain safe, comfortable, and resilient living spaces for their residents.

Water Damage Prevention Beyond Restoration: Implementing Long-Term Strategies

2/20/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can result in costly repairs and disrupt daily life. While restoration is crucial after a water incident, it is equally important to implement long-term strategies for water damage prevention. In this blog post, we will explore effective measures and strategies that can help safeguard your property against future water damage.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

One of the key components of water damage prevention is regular maintenance and inspections. Conduct routine checks on your property's plumbing system, including pipes, faucets, and water fixtures. Look for signs of leaks, corrosion, or other damage that could potentially lead to water issues. Timely repairs or replacement of faulty components can prevent water damage before it ever occurs.

Ensure Proper Grading and Drainage

Proper grading and drainage around your property are essential in preventing water damage. Ensure that the ground slopes away from your foundation, directing water away from your home or building. This prevents water from pooling near the foundation, which can lead to leaks, basement flooding, or structural damage over time. Regularly clear gutters and downspouts to prevent blockages and ensure efficient water flow.

Install a Sump Pump

A sump pump can be a valuable investment in preventing water damage. It helps to remove excess water from basements or low-lying areas, reducing the risk of flooding. Whether powered by electricity or a backup battery, a sump pump provides added insurance against water intrusion during heavy rainfall or plumbing failures.

Utilize Water Detection and Alarm Systems

Water detection and alarm systems can provide early warning signs of water leaks or flooding. These systems utilize sensors that detect abnormal levels of moisture or water presence. When triggered, they will sound an alarm, allowing you to respond promptly and address potential water damage issues before they escalate.

Insulate Pipes and Install Leak Detection Devices

Insulating pipes helps prevent them from freezing and bursting during colder months, which can cause significant water damage. Additionally, installing leak detection devices can alert you to potential pipe leaks before they become major issues. These devices can automatically shut off the water supply when a leak is detected, minimizing potential damage.

Educate Occupants and Emergency Preparedness

Educating occupants on water damage prevention measures and emergency preparedness is crucial. Teach them how to locate and shut off the main water valve in case of emergencies. Promote awareness of water-saving practices, such as fixing dripping faucets and limiting water usage during heavy rainfall to prevent overloading drainage systems.

Water damage prevention goes beyond restoration; implementing long-term strategies is essential for safeguarding your property. By regularly maintaining and inspecting your property, implementing proper grading, utilizing technology and educating occupants, you can minimize the risk of water damage, providing peace of mind for years to come.

Water-Damaged Drywall: Addressing Structural Damage

10/18/2023 (Permalink)

flood cut walls When water damage leaves behind drywall damage, we use flood cuts to dry and restore your property properly.

Water damage is a common problem in homes, and one of the areas that often suffer the most is drywall. When drywall gets wet, it can quickly become weakened, damaged, and pose structural risks. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps you can take to address water-damaged drywall and prevent further structural issues in your home.

Assess the Damage

Safety first! Before assessing the damage, ensure the space is safe to enter. Turn off power in affected areas and wear appropriate protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a mask.

Determine the extent of the damage by checking for signs of swelling, discoloration, sagging, or crumbling of drywall. These indicate that the drywall has absorbed water and may be structurally compromised. Using a utility knife, carefully cut along the damaged areas, creating a clean edge. Remove the wet drywall sections, making sure to dispose of them properly. Check for signs of insulation damage or mold growth. If found, address these issues as well.

Dry Out the Area

Remove moisture by using fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to promote air circulation and expedite drying. It is important to thoroughly dry the affected area before proceeding with repairs to prevent mold growth and further damage. Treat the areas affected by mold or mildew. Look for signs of mold or mildew on adjacent surfaces and materials. If mold is present, clean the area with a mixture of water and mild detergent. Then, use a mold treatment solution following the manufacturer's instructions to prevent regrowth.

Repair and Restore

Reinforce the structure. If the drywall behind the removed section is weakened, consider reinforcing it with additional support, such as braces or studs. Cut and install new drywall pieces to fit the area. Make sure to secure them properly, ensuring a smooth and even surface. Apply drywall joint compound and tape to seamlessly blend the new drywall with the existing walls. Sand and prime the repaired area before painting.

Address the Underlying Cause

Identify the source. Determine the cause of the water damage, whether it's a leaking pipe, roof issue, or compromised foundation. Fixing the source is essential to preventing further water damage and structural issues in the future. Seek professional assistance. If the water damage is extensive, the structure is severely compromised, or you are unsure about the repairs, it is wise to consult a professional water damage restoration or construction company.

If the damage is significant, document the repairs and consult with your insurance provider to assess whether your policy covers the necessary repairs.

Water-damaged drywall can lead to serious structural issues if not properly addressed. By promptly assessing the damage, removing wet drywall, drying the area, treating for mold, repairing and restoring, addressing the underlying cause, and seeking professional assistance when necessary, you can effectively manage water damage and maintain the structural integrity of your home. Remember, swift action is key to minimizing long-term complications and creating a safe and secure living environment for you and your family.

A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Fire Sprinklers in Your Building

7/27/2023 (Permalink)

Fire sprinkler systems are a crucial component of a building's fire safety infrastructure, providing effective protection against fires. Regular maintenance and inspection of fire sprinklers are essential to ensure their proper functioning and reliability. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to maintain fire sprinklers in your building, helping you maximize their performance and enhance overall fire safety.

Understand the Basics

Familiarize yourself with the basic components and operation of fire sprinkler systems. Learn how sprinklers are activated, the role of water flow and pressure, and the types of sprinkler heads installed in your building. This knowledge will enable you to identify potential issues during maintenance and make informed decisions.

Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines and local fire codes to understand the specific maintenance requirements for your fire sprinkler system. Adhering to these regulations is crucial to ensure compliance and maintain the system's effectiveness.

Schedule Regular Inspections

Arrange for regular inspections of your fire sprinkler system by certified professionals. Inspections should be conducted at least annually or as per local regulations. During inspections, experts will examine the sprinkler heads, pipes, valves, and control systems for signs of corrosion, leaks, obstructions, or any other potential issues.

Regularly test the performance of your fire sprinkler system to verify its functionality. This may involve conducting flow tests, where water is discharged from the sprinkler heads to measure the water flow rate and pressure. Testing helps ensure that the sprinklers are providing adequate coverage and that the system is operating within the specified parameters.

Maintain Clearance and Accessibility

Ensure that the area surrounding the sprinkler heads and valves remains free from any obstructions. Avoid stacking materials or placing objects near sprinkler heads, as this can hinder their proper operation during a fire. Additionally, ensure that access to sprinkler control valves is unimpeded for maintenance purposes.

If any maintenance issues or deficiencies are identified during inspections or testing, address them promptly. Repair or replace damaged or malfunctioning components, clear any obstructions, and fix leaks or corrosion. Engaging professional fire sprinkler maintenance services is advisable for complex repairs or issues that require specialized expertise.

Train Staff and Occupants

Educate building occupants and staff members about the importance of fire sprinkler maintenance and their role in supporting fire safety. Encourage them to report any concerns or signs of damage promptly. Provide training on how to operate sprinkler control valves, emphasizing the importance of not tampering with the system.

Maintain detailed records of all inspections, tests, and maintenance activities related to your fire sprinkler system. Document dates, findings, repairs, and any actions taken. These records serve as proof of compliance and provide valuable historical data for future reference.

Stay informed about advancements and changes in fire sprinkler technology and regulations. Regularly review and update your maintenance practices to align with industry best practices and evolving standards.

Proper maintenance of fire sprinklers is essential for the effective functioning of your building's fire protection system. By following this comprehensive guide, which includes regular inspections, testing, addressing maintenance issues promptly, and staying informed about regulations, you can ensure that your fire sprinkler system remains in optimal condition. By maintaining these life-saving devices, you contribute to the safety of occupants and protect your property from the devastating effects of fires. Remember, if you are uncertain or require professional expertise, consult certified fire sprinkler maintenance professionals who can provide specialized knowledge and assistance.

Understanding the Dangers of Category 3 Water Damage: What You Need to Know

3/11/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage is a major concern for any property owner, and it can happen for various reasons such as floods, leaks, burst pipes, or natural disasters. When water damage occurs, it is categorized into three categories based on the level of contamination in the water. Category 1 is clean water, category 2 is grey water, and category 3 is black water. Category 3 water damage is the most severe type of water damage, and it requires immediate and professional attention.

Category 3 water damage, also known as black water damage, refers to water that is highly contaminated and carries harmful pathogens and bacteria that pose serious health risks. This type of water damage can be caused by sewage backups, toilet overflows, or natural disasters such as hurricanes or floods. Category 3 water damage can also occur when category 1 or category 2 water damage is left untreated, and the water becomes stagnant and contaminated over time.

The following are some characteristics of category 3 water damage:

Unpleasant Odor: Category 3 water damage has a distinct smell that is unpleasant and can be overwhelming. The odor is caused by the presence of organic matter such as feces, urine, or other contaminants.

Destruction of Property: Category 3 water damage can cause significant damage to property, including walls, flooring, carpets, and furniture. This type of water damage can also lead to mold growth, which can further damage property and pose secondary damages.

Difficult to Clean: Category 3 water damage requires specialized equipment and cleaning techniques to ensure that all contaminants are properly removed. It is essential to hire a professional water damage restoration company that has the expertise and equipment necessary to handle category 3 water damage.

If your property has experienced category 3 water damage, it is crucial to act quickly and contact a professional water damage restoration company. They will assess the extent of the damage, determine the level of contamination, and develop a plan to clean and restore your property. Restoration professionals will use specialized equipment such as industrial-strength dehumidifiers, air scrubbers, and HEPA filters to remove all contaminants and restore the property to its pre-damaged condition.

In conclusion, category 3 water damage is a severe type of water damage that poses secondary damages and requires immediate attention. It is essential to hire a professional water damage restoration company to ensure that all contaminants are properly removed and your property is restored to its pre-damaged condition. By taking quick action and hiring a professional restoration company, you can minimize the damage and protect your health and property.

Identifying Kitchen Water Damage

1/20/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage can be the result of any number of problems in your home. Whether it's a burst pipe, a leaky faucet, or even a sump pump failure, it's important to know how to spot the signs before the damage becomes too extensive. With some basic knowledge and precautions, you can avoid water damage in your own home.

Signs of Water Damage to Watch For

There are some signs of water damage that you should watch for:

  • If you notice moisture on your ceiling or walls, it's likely that you have a leak somewhere in your home. This can be a sign that water has been leaking into the walls of your house, which will cause significant damage to them over time if not addressed immediately.
  • Mildew and mold growth. If you smell mildew or mold near any water sources (such as sinks or tubs), this could indicate that there's some kind of moisture problem underneath your kitchen sink or bathtub—and it's possible that the damage is spreading throughout the rest of the house as well!

Locate the Source of the Water Damage

In order to begin the process of water damage repair, you first need to locate the source of the leak. This may be a pipe or faucet leaking underneath your sink or a crack in a wall that allowed water through. Once you've identified what caused the leak, use this information to determine where the water damage occurred and how extensive it is.

If you can't find any obvious signs of water damage on your own, it's time to call in a water cleanup expert. The experts have highly advanced technology to locate any hidden moisture in your walls, underneath your flooring, and above your ceiling. 

Prevent Future Water Damage

There are some things you can do to prevent future water damage events and mitigate the damage when it does happen:

  • Check your home regularly for water damage. The most common cause of water damage is an unseen leak, so be sure to check your home for any signs of moisture or discoloration on the ceiling, walls, or floors.
  • Repair any leaks immediately. Leaks can lead to serious problems if they aren't fixed quickly, so if you notice one in your kitchen, contact a professional right away. 
  • Use a drip pan under the refrigerator. This will keep any spills from damaging floors underneath cabinets where they are hard to see until it's too late!

Act Quickly

Water damage can be expensive to fix, and if it's not addressed quickly, the problem will only get worse. As mold and mildew begin to grow in your home, they can cause problems for anyone living there and the structure of the home or business. 

To prevent this from happening to you or your family members, it's important that you identify water damage as soon as possible so it can be dealt with properly before the problem gets worse.

The best way to deal with water damage is to prevent it. Water damage can be incredibly costly and time-consuming. If you notice any signs of water damage in your home, take action immediately by calling the professionals at SERVPRO of Bath/Brunswick - Belfast/Camden/Rockland.

How Can Drain Cleaner Damage Pipes?

11/2/2022 (Permalink)

How Can Drain Cleaner Damage Pipes?

Drain cleaner is a useful tool in cleaning out drains that are blocked or moving slowly. Many drain cleaners are made of caustic or acidic substances that can etch and corrode some pipes. Most damage occurs when drain cleaner is left in a drain for too long. Drain cleaners can also cause damage to the septic system, especially if not all of the chemical is washed away into the sewage system.

Drain cleaner is a useful tool for cleaning out drains that are blocked or moving slowly.

In most situations, drain cleaner is used to unclog drains. The product contains chemicals that can help break down grease and grime in drains and pipes.

These chemicals also work to dissolve hair and other organic matter that may have accumulated in your pipes. However, if you don't use it properly or with care, drain cleaner can damage your pipes over time.

Some drain cleaners are made of caustic or acidic substances that can etch and corrode some pipes.

Most drain cleaners are made of caustic or acidic substances that can etch and corrode some pipes. To avoid damage, you should check the packaging before using a new drain cleaner on your pipes. Certain types of metal pipes are more prone to damage by these chemicals than others and should not be used with certain caustic materials in the first place. If you're unsure whether your pipe material is compatible with a particular cleaner, you may want to ask an expert at your local hardware store or call one of our representatives at [insert phone number here].

Some common examples of materials that will be damaged by caustic chemicals include cast iron, galvanized steel (with no coating), PVC plastic pipes that have not been treated for corrosion resistance against strong acids and bases (such as CPVC)

Most damage occurs when drain cleaner is left in a drain for too long.

Drain cleaners work by dissolving clogs in pipes and drains. When left in a drain for too long, they can cause damage to your pipes by corroding them or reducing their flexibility.

Additionally, some drain cleaners contain chemicals that will damage the septic system if not all of it is washed away into the sewage system. This is especially true if you are using a liquid chemical instead of a granular one.

Drain cleaners can also cause damage to the septic system, especially if not all of the chemical is washed away into the sewage system.

It's important to remember that drain cleaners can also cause damage to the septic system, especially if not all of the chemical is washed away into the sewage system. Septic systems are designed to handle organic waste, not chemicals. If too much drain cleaner remains in your pipes for an extended period of time, it could cause damage to your septic tank and/or leach field (the underground pipe that takes waste away from your home).

Drain cleaner is an effective tool, but you must use it carefully to avoid damaging your plumbing.

Drain cleaners are an effective tool, but you must use them carefully to avoid damaging your plumbing. Drain cleaner is not intended for use on frozen pipes, and it should not be left in the drain for too long. Additionally, drain cleaners should never be used on garbage disposals.

The best way to avoid damage is to use drain cleaner only when necessary, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you suspect that there is something blocking your pipes or that they are moving slowly, call a professional plumber or contact SERVPRO of Bath/ Brunswick at (207) 721- 8500.

4 Steps To Complete Before the Insurance Adjuster Arrives

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

Before The Insurance Adjuster Arrives, Follow These 4 Steps

If your home has suffered from water damage, take the following steps to prepare for the home adjuster. When you complete these steps before the insurance adjuster arrives, the damage on your property can be repaired or corrected as soon as possible. Speed up the process by getting as much paperwork out of the way as possible:

  • Proof of loss forms
  • Insurance policy reports
  • Estimates from authorized professionals

In addition to tackling paperwork, be sure to complete the next steps as quickly as possible.

One: Contact Your Insurance Provider

It's vital that your insurance company can contact you, especially if you have had to evacuate your home. Have your policy number, phone number, property address, and alternate phone numbers handy. If it's possible to meet the adjuster at your home, you may find it easier to communicate clearly.

Two: Secure Your Property

Before the adjuster arrives, and before you evacuate if it is possible to do so safely, protect your property. Be aware that water damage can affect the construction of your home, leaving it unsafe to re-enter the building. When this is the case, contact a water damage repair and remediation professional to provide these services.

Three: Take Pictures of Damages

You will be completing a lot of paperwork regarding the damages throughout your home but taking photographs or a video is a good way to provide proof of your claims. Remember not to remove any items until the home adjuster has provided an okay.

Four: Keep Information Organized

Put together a safe place to store contact information, insurance claim reference numbers, receipts, photographs, and every other document regarding the damaged property and repairs. This will also include checks from the insurance company. You may expect up to three separate checks: structure damage payment, personal belongings loss reimbursement, and money for additional living expenses.

When water damages have affected your Topsham, ME, home, work closely with the home adjuster to resolve the issue. Work through these four steps and maintain open communication for the best results.

Steps for Basement Flood Remediation

4/4/2022 (Permalink)

the old dirty cellar flooded from a pipe break A basement flood can make a big mess, but quick remediation is the key to keeping it from getting out of hand. Call SERVPRO!

Flood Remediation In The Basement: Steps To Take

There are several things that can cause a basement flood. A broken pipe, leaking appliance, sewer backup or heavy storm can all result in standing water in the lowest level of your home in Harpswell, ME. There are several steps you should take when you discover such a problem.

1. Call the Professionals

You should never wade into standing water on your own. Flood restoration specialists have the equipment and expertise needed to fix a flooded basement. Once you make the initial call, they can arrive within hours to handle every step of the process:

  • Assessment
  • Extraction
  • Drying
  • Cleaning
  • Restoration

Take quick action to get the mitigation procedures started as soon as possible. Fast response can not only prevent secondary damage from the basement flood but also makes your home livable again in a shorter amount of time.

2. Review Your Insurance Policies

Your homeowner's insurance coverage may be able to save you a lot of the out-of-pocket expenses associated with flood remediation. Call your provider as soon as you can. The company will send an adjuster to survey the damage and come up with an estimate of how much your policy covers. Be sure to have the restoration company's detailed assessment on hand to support your claim.

3. Research Prevention

Once the flood damage in your home has been mitigated, it makes sense to look for ways to prevent future mishaps. Talk to the technicians about ways to keep water out of your basement, and invest in a reliable sump pump that can quickly get rid of any water that does enter. Ask neighbors with similar floor plans about the steps they have taken to make their basements more resistant to flooding. Your insurance agent may also be able to provide tips on upgrades you can make.

A basement flood can make a big mess, but quick remediation is the key to keeping it from getting out of hand. Act quickly to get the service and support you need.

4 Steps To Replace a Toilet

3/14/2022 (Permalink)

How To Replace A Toilet In 4 Easy Steps

Replacing a leaking toilet is not difficult, but it does require planning, preparation, and the proper tools. Follow these four steps to determine whether replacement is necessary and complete the job.

1. Make Sure Replacement Is Necessary

If a toilet is leaking, check to see if the closet bolts can be tightened or the wax seal under the toilet needs to be replaced. A toilet that keeps running may need to have the float or flapper chain adjusted or the fill valve replaced.

2. Choose a New Toilet

If a leaking toilet cannot be fixed, it is necessary to replace the toilet. Measure the distance from the wall behind a toilet to the closet bolts and water supply lines. You may also want to measure from the bowl to the sidewall.

3. Remove the Old Toilet

Turn off the water supply line. Flush water from the tank and remove the remainder with a sponge. Disconnect the line before unscrewing the nuts on the bottom of the tank and lifting the tank off of the bowl. Next, loosen and remove the nuts attaching the bowl to the floor. Remove the bowl. Underneath the toilet, you will need to remove the wax ring, any excess wax on the flange, and the closet bolts.

4. Install the New Toilet

Install new closet bolts. Turn the new toilet bowl upside-down and install a new wax ring onto the outlet. Place the toilet bowl over the closet bolts and install cap bases, washers, and nuts. Cut off the excess bolt with a hacksaw and snap on caps. Install bolts and a rubber gasket on the bottom of the new tank. Set the tank in place and tighten the nuts. Hook up the water supply and check for leaks around the supply line and base. Install the seat and put the top on the tank.

If a leaking toilet results in water damage, contact a mitigation and restoration service in Bath, ME. You can also hire a plumber for toilet repair or replacement.

3 Ways To Prepare For an Adjuster’s Visit

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

Three Ways To Get Ready For A Visit From An Adjuster

If you are filing an insurance claim, you should anticipate at least one visit from an adjuster. It is important to be prepared to provide any evidence or information necessary to support a claim. Here are three ways homeowners can prepare for a home adjuster visit.

1. Locate Damage

Carefully inspect a residence for signs of damage. You may want to take photographs or record video. Additional footage that is dated prior to the damage may help to support a claim. It is also a good idea to look over a homeowner's insurance policy to make sure that the causes and types of damage a home has sustained are covered by the policy. If exclusions apply, you may want to inquire about an endorsement or rider.

2. Collect Information

Gather receipts or any other forms of proof of purchase for damaged contents. You may also want to make a list of losses including descriptions, dates of purchase, and the estimated cost of restoration or replacement. A home adjuster will need to refer to this data when reviewing the available evidence to support a claim.

3. Obtain Bids

Before or after an adjuster's visit, a homeowner may schedule a consultation with a mitigation and restoration company in Georgetown, ME. Insurance companies prefer to work with certified professionals. Contacting a company that provides both cleanup and restoration services may enable you to obtain more accurate and complete estimates with regard to costs and timeframe.

It is a good idea for a policyholder to make copies of any documentation provided to an insurer. You should also keep any documents you receive. List the names and phone number of any representatives you deal with in the process of making an insurance claim. These tips can make it easier to prepare for a visit from a home adjuster and the process of filing a claim.

How To Detect Roof Damage

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

How Can You Tell If Your Roof Is Damaged?

Adverse weather or high winds can result in roof damage. A damaged roof puts an entire residence at risk for leaks, water damage, and even mold. Take the following measures to detect damage as soon as it occurs.

Inspect the Shingles

Missing or dislodged shingles are one of the most evident signs of damage. Depending on the overall condition of a roof, shingles can be replaced to reduce the likelihood of a leak. If you take a closer look, you may also notice more subtle signs of damage, such as:

  • Breakage
  • Bruising
  • Curling
  • Loss of granulation

Notify a roofer about any indications of damage. A professional can determine the right approach to roof repair.

Look For Signs of Stress

High winds may start to loosen and peel off roofing materials. Roof damage can quickly spread and become extensive. A roof does not wear evenly. Wind tends to put stress on certain areas, including the:

  • Corners
  • Edges
  • Outer perimeter

In cold climates, wear around the eaves may indicate that ice damming is occurring. A poorly ventilated and insulated roof with uneven surface temperatures can cause snow to melt and refreeze around the edges of the roof, preventing proper drainage. Over time, pooling water can undermine roofing materials and cause water damage that requires cleanup and restoration.

Check For Signs of Impact

If a fallen tree limb or flying debris has damaged a roof, you may be able to see signs of impact. These may include:

  • Cracks
  • Missing shingles
  • Punctures
  • Splits

Adverse weather and wind tend to cause damage to a roof over time unless an impact from heavy debris occurs. Contact a roofer as soon as you hear or see signs of a sudden impact.

It is important to regularly check for signs of roof damage. If you do not feel safe doing so yourself, contact a roofer in Woolwich, ME.