What is Smoke Damage?
12/7/2022 (Permalink)

What is Smoke Damage?
Smoke damage is one of the most common types of property damage that occurs during fires. It can be difficult to remove, because smoke permeates into surfaces, walls and other materials. If you have smoke damage on your property, it's essential to act quickly—the longer you wait after a fire, the harder it is to repair the damage done by the smoke itself.
Definition of Smoke Damage
Smoke damage is caused by a fire. It can result from a range of materials, including wood, plastic, and metal. Smoke damage can cause structural damage and odor problems.
The smoke settling on furniture or other items within the building will cause discoloration over time due to the material's exposure to high temperatures during combustion—and sometimes even after an item has been removed from its original location.
Types of Smoke Damage
Of all the people who experience smoke and fire damage, you're probably not the first. In fact, there's almost certainly someone in your neighborhood who has been through this before.
It's important to remember that every case of smoke damage is different. Even if you have had smoke damage before, it's still possible that what happened to your neighbor will be different from what happens with your Belfast, ME home. There are so many variables involved in a fire that it can be difficult to predict exactly what might happen when one occurs—but there are some commonalities between all fires and their resulting damages.
Fire Damage Is Not Limited to Structures
This is one mistake many people make when thinking about how much damage was caused by a fire: they assume only buildings can get damaged by them. However, any structure or object that gets close enough to a fire—and even some things that aren't close enough but were exposed indirectly—can sustain significant amounts of smoke damage as well as heat-related destruction. Therefore, people should consider all potential types of structures when estimating how much repair work they'll need after an incident like this occurs at their home or business.
Categories of Smoke Damage
First, it's important to understand that smoke damage can be caused by many things.
It may seem obvious that a fire is the cause of smoke damage; however, there are actually many other instances when this type of damage occurs.
The three main categories of smoke damage are:
- Fire damage (from a smoldering fire or an actual flame).
- Appliance malfunctioning (whether caused by a mechanical failure or improper use).
- Cooking fire (whether accidental or intentional).
Smoke damage can be a big burden on your life, but it doesn’t have to be. SERVPRO of Bath/ Brunswick is the right smoke damage restoration company for you. With years of experience, high level of training, and state-of-the-art equipment, our team can handle any size smoke damage cleanup necessary. Our team will work hard to make sure everything is back to normal as soon as possible.